Harlem Shambles and the Perfect Steak

BigAppleCurry profiles one of our Harlem favorites, Harlem Shambles.

big apple curry

Hello all! It’s Sean here. With its great food, people, and places, I’m loving Harlem more and more everyday. Our latest exciting discovery is Harlem Shambles, the (relatively) new local butchery located on Frederick Douglass Blvd. They source everything locally, mostly from the nearby Hudson Valley. As they describe, “Harlem Shambles is a boutique butcher shop serving locally sourced beef, lamb, pork and poultry. We work with a handful of New York farms.” As soon we heard from local Harlem blogs and the New York Times that two young brothers had launched a locally sourced butchery in the neighborhood, I knew it would be a great find for me and Ina. Why? What makes this such a great and timely discovery is that lately I’ve become more and more concerned with finding meat that is sourced from livestock that has been both a) ethically raised and b) properly…

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