Dragon Sushi Harlem opens

Recently, this blog mentioned a sushi place is coming to Frederick Douglass Blvd. Dragon Sushi is open as of November 16. We walked by and the sign said “open.” Stop by Dragon Sushi! They are at the near corner of 112th and FDB!

Photo by Harlemgal
Photo by Harlemgal
Photos by Harlemgal

One response to “Dragon Sushi Harlem opens

  1. To: Whom it may concern at Harlem Gal.
    I hope this email finds you well.

    I want to report a major business in Harlem that is not following the covid mask policy.

    I went to the Whole Foods on 125th street today (Thanksgiving Day) and witnessed 7 people either not wearing their mask or not properly wearing their mask.

    I spoke to the store Manager and it was obvious he was not black/African American.

    I spoke to him about the matter and I was shocked how 7 of his employee were not wearing mask and I told him that this is an important matter because the covid rates are higher in African American communities and for him not to understand this was insane. He caught an attitude and everything and told me that I should try to understand because they are essential works and this is a lot on them.

    Again he is white(not that race is an issue) managing a store in a black community so of course its not an issue to him because most likely he lives in a all white community where the COVID rates are low. I bet if he was working at a Whole Foods in a white neighborhood and a white customers called in and complained, he would have been more empathetic about the matter .

    We need to spread awareness about this .

    Please contact me on this matter

    All the best,
    T .Walker
    (A Harlem Resident )

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