Tag Archives: gas station

Harlem art mural opening celebration June 8 at 110th Street and FDB

Remember how there was a mural contest for Harlem students that would cover the fence at the northeast corner of 110th Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd? Well, the contest is over and the art is up and hanging everywhere on the fence where the old gas station use to be and soon were a new condo will be in Harlem. Passerby’s can view the art by taking a stroll to this part of Harlem.

Tomorrow, Sunday, June 8 at 11 am there is a public celebration honoring all the incredible art work that was submitted for the contest. All of us are invited to attend. See details below and see you there!






Harlem Mural Contest, art to cover fence at 110th Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd

There is an art mural contest happening in Harlem! The deadline is April 11. Here’s the details: Harlem art students, community members, school children involved in the arts should send their art work to publicmural@gmail.com. The various art pieces that come in will be used to create a huge mural to be printed on large-scale printed vinyls to go on the construction fence across on the corner of FDB and 110th Street. That’s where a new Harlem condo building is going up where the old gas station used to be.

See flyer below for more details.

2040 Frederick Douglass Blvd in Harlem to become apartment complex, gas station employees let go before the holidays

We now have confirmation on what will happen with the Harlem gas station at 2040 FDB. It will become an apartment building. We’ve pretty much known all along what was going to happened to the gas station. Details leaked out last August. Read the latest details here.

What we’ve also learned recently is that more than 20 gas station employees were let go right before the holidays. I guess the developer couldn’t wait until January. Grinch!


Sign says ‘no gas’ at Harlem gas station

On 110th Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd., did anyone notice the BP gas station on the northeast corner already has a sign up that says “no gas?” This particular gas station is always busy so not too surprised by this. It is where most taxi and/or gypsy cabs in the area fuel up. Hope this place is able to get gas soon. I’ve already experienced a cab telling me they can’t take me somewhere ’cause they have no gas! Has anyone else had this experience recently with a cab?



Harlem gas station in demand


According to The New York Post this morning (Aug 20), the owners of the Harlem gas station on 110th Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd have been busy fighting off the City of New York from taking over their property.

The article states that Carmie Elmore and a partner took over the gas station in 1981 when Harlem was seedy. Now that Harlem is hot and has been on an upward trajectory for a while, the city apparently owned it at one time and wants its gas station back. Each entity is heading to Manhattan Supreme Court to make its point.

When I first moved to Harlem and was looking at apartments to buy, I remember either my broker or another local telling me this farfetched, ridiculous statement about this corner…get ready for this, which was that it was being eyed by the Donald Trump himself. Did anyone else get fed this line when buying an apartment in South Harlem? I recall someone mentioning that Donald Trump was interested in the Harlem gas station because he wants to own property bookends on the westside of Central Park–one property already exists at Columbus Circle.

Crazy stuff huh? But now that I am reading this article, it makes me wonder what the City is really up to? If Mr. Elmore and his business partner own the gas station and they don’t want to sell it, shouldn’t that be the end of the discussion? Punto! What do you think?