Tag Archives: il Cafe Latte

Amtrak publication makes major faux pas with Harlem, but calls it cool and hip

While Gothamist was quick to point out how Amtrak’s external publication titled Arrive called Harlem a borough, which is a poor journalistic and potentially costly PR mistake, I’d like to point out and focus on how Arrive called Harlem “cool” and “hip.” The article says “New Yorkers are taking notice” of Harlem and “if you blink your eye, something changes.” Yes, this transportation company clearly only sees New York City and it’s sub-sections as a bunch of boroughs. Given the ignorance, it could have been worse. But lets focus on what they really got right, which is featuring our beautiful community and local businesses, talking to good spokespeople about Harlem, and ultimately using the best verbs to describe us, which…hey, we have always known, is being a place that is “hip and cool!” Thank you Amtrak!
