Tag Archives: Hurricane Sandy

See photos of long lines at gas stations along 145th Street in Harlem

Soon after I blogged about the Harlem gas station on 110th Street and FDB posting a sign saying “no gas,” comments have come strolling in on Facebook and via email. At 9 pm this evening (November 1), a reader sent in pictures of what’s happening at the gas stations along 145th Street between Lenox Avenue and FDB. According to the reader, the lines for gas are four to five blocks long and for one Shell station near Pathmark at 145th Street, the line of cars extend around the corner to FDB then down three blocks to 142 Street. The reader also states police are detouring traffic across 145th St. because of the long gas lines.

For several days now, the main stream media has been reporting that gas supplies are limited and can’t be delivered due to the port of NYC being closed. The result is long gas lines everywhere. And people are also buying fuel for generators. Take a look at the photos the reader sent in. And a big thank to the reader for keeping us informed on the gas situation!




Sign says ‘no gas’ at Harlem gas station

On 110th Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd., did anyone notice the BP gas station on the northeast corner already has a sign up that says “no gas?” This particular gas station is always busy so not too surprised by this. It is where most taxi and/or gypsy cabs in the area fuel up. Hope this place is able to get gas soon. I’ve already experienced a cab telling me they can’t take me somewhere ’cause they have no gas! Has anyone else had this experience recently with a cab?



What’s open today in Harlem during Sandy?

Most of us are home today in Harlem bracing for the arrival of Sandy. Some Harlem business have posted notices on Facebook or Twitter saying they are open today.

So far the businesses who have said they’re open are: Astor Row Cafe on Lenox Avenue and 130th, Lenox Coffee at 60 West 129th Street, The Chipped Cup at 3610 Broadway, Dunkin Donuts on FDB between 113th and 114th Street, Il Cafe Latte on Lenox Ave and 119th Street, Frederick’s Cafe & Bistro on FDB and 114th, East Harlem Cafe at 1651 Lexington Avenue, Patsy’s Pizza at 2287 First Avenue will be open today from 11 am to 11 pm, Chez Lucienne on Lenox Avenue, Harlem Tavern on 116th Street and FDB, and Red Rooster Harlem on 125th and Lenox Avenue is open for lunch. They will make a decision about dinner later depending on storm conditions.

If you know of any other Harlem businesses that are open today, October 29, please tell us! Stay safe and dry Harlem! 20121029-091047.jpg 20121029-091102.jpg 20121029-091142.jpg